
Webcast: Data at the Tactical Edge
In this panel, C4ISRNET asked Army leaders about their priorities to connect soldiers with combat clouds and networks that will change warfare by bringing computing and analysis to the battlefield.
What improved acquisition means for future US space capabilities
For years, the U.S. has enjoyed mostly uncontested status as the world’s preeminent space power. Aggressive space expansion by China and Russia is now disrupting that narrative, however. As these near-peer competitors devote massive resources to delivering next-gen capabilities that match or surpass existing U.S. space systems, it’s forced the DoD to recognize the limits of its traditional space acquisition and look for ways it can deliver capabilities faster.
Webcast: Scaling AI Success at SOCOM
We caught up with Chief Data Officer Thomas Kenney to talk about what challenges remain and what insights operators are learning that could help the military scale successes. Some SOCOM AI projects include streamlining logistics, harnessing big data for better-informed battlefield decisions, and even predicting when a tank or a jet needs maintenance to avoid failure at a critical moment.
Simplifying Security in Multi-Cloud Environments
Multi-cloud environments are clearly here to stay. Yet, there is no standardization across them. Each CSP has its own set of application programming interfaces (APIs) and mechanisms for the control and management of its services, including development. Successful DevOps across CSP platforms requires development team agility and also a new approach to security.
Webcast: What’s Next for Army PNT
At Project Convergence 2020, the Army conducted the most high-profile test of its beyond-line-of-sight targeting capability, taking data from on orbit sensors, transforming that into targeting data, and feeding it to the best fires system. During this episode of C4ISRNET’s “Removing Stovepipes” webcast series, we asked how the capability has improved ahead of this year’s event and look at the role of new position, navigation and timing technologies for this project.
Webcast: AI Capabilities
During this episode of C4ISRNET’s “Removing Stovepipes” Office Hours Webcast Series, we talked with the Joint Artificial Intelligence Center and discussed the organization’s work, upcoming projects and the theme of the series, reducing stovepipes. This conversation looked at the operational uses for AI today, what obstacles still remain and how the JAIC is working with offices throughout DoD to add new AI capabilities.
Ensuring Decision Superiority
Accelerating the speed at which we collect, analyze and use data is critical to out-performing tomorrow’s threats. Learn how we’re making it possible.
Webcast: Electromagnetic Spectrum Superiority
In this session, we discussed the new Electromagnetic Spectrum Superiority Strategy, what it means and the Department’s vision for gaining and maintaining the advantage in the electromagnetic spectrum against near-peer nation state competitors.
Webcast: Network Modernization
During this webcast, we discussed science and technology priorities for the network cross functional team and how that team is working with groups throughout the Army to focus on future acquisitions and demonstrations.
Webcast: Getting Data the Warfighter Needs
What kind of information – and information technology - does the Army need to ensure it can be successful on the battlefield? What kind of technology development and modernization is necessary and how does all of this fit into multidomain operations.
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