About the judges
The advisory board considered dozens of nominations.

Elite 6
C2/COMMS: Joint Staff J6 directorate for C4 and cyber for TTPs to support en-route communications
The Army's 82nd Airborne Division, 75th Ranger Regiment and the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit are using the TTPs.

Elite 6 for GEOINT goes to UAV-based explosives detector
Air Force analysts at NASIC transitioned ACES-Hy's operations to units in Kuwait in 2014.

CYBER: Air Force Life Cycle Management Center for the vulnerability management team
The Air Force Vulnerability Management Team deployed the first-ever AFNet Linux patch management system, which assures configuration control and reduced sustainment costs by $1.5 million a year.

IT/NETWORKS: Marine Corps C4 HQ for Enterprise Network Unification Plan
These efforts provide a platform that can support deployment of Marine Air-Ground Task Forces and ensure continuity of information.

MOBILITY: Army PM Mission Command for equipping the first unit with JBC-P
JBC-P is the next-generation Blue Force Tracker, for keeping tabs on allied forces.

UAS/ISR/Sensors: Angry Kitten Next-Generation Electronic Warfare Capability
The system is built using open-architecture approaches that are lower in cost and easier to implement and maintain, and an advanced system prototype is being used in exercises with the military today.

GEOINT: National Air and Space Intelligence Center for an airborne cueing and exploitation system
The sensor is the first that is suitable for the Predator UAV.