WASHINGTON ― Despite a rocky start in its inaugural year being assessed by the Partnership for Public Service for its annual Best Places to Work in Government, U.S. Army Cyber Command is taking steps to help create a healthier work-environment for the future.
U.S. Army Cyber Command was ranked 147th out of 150 agency sub-components on the list. Partnership crafted the list by quantifying employees’ engagement with their jobs. Said engagement was assessed through three questions:
- I recommend my organization as a good place to work.
- Considering everything, how satisfied are you with your job?
- Considering everything, how satisfied are you with your organization?
Army Cyber Command spokesman Charlie Stadtlander indicated that conducting cyberspace operations and electronic warfare could be a difficult job for many, both on the civilian and military levels.
“It’s no secret that the mission demands of a highly-employed, constantly-engaged operational military command can produce a high-stress environment,” he told Fifth Domain in a statement.
Furthermore, Stadtlander acknowledged that U.S. Army Cyber Command was a relatively young organization, thus making it susceptible to less-than-ideal structural factors. He pointed how Army Cyber “currently resides in several outdated, undersized, and ad-hoc locations spread across four states.” Nonetheless, plans are being made for the organization’s operations to be consolidated within an under-construction facility in Fort Gordon, Georgia.
To better improve employee engagement, givenArmy Cyber Command’s frequently tense work routine against adversarial cyber forces, Stadtlander emphasized “the importance of taking recuperative leave, scheduling morale-building staff functions and offering necessary support services.”
Concrete measures in fixing organizational issues, as well as continued efforts for alleviating workplace stress might just lay the foundation for a more engaged Army Cyber Command workforce, and thus increase its ranking in next year’s Best Places to Work list.
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