The General Services Administration is touting an anti-hacker support system for government agencies.

The Highly Adaptive Cybersecurity Services (HACS) are contractors that provide cybersupport. GSA has awarded HACS SINs to more than 70 vendors to support high-value assets, or HVA, according to a blog by Shon Lyublanovits, GSA’s IT Security Subcategory manager and director of the Office of IT Security Services for Office of Information Technology Category.

“These industry partners give government agencies more access to services so they can test high-priority IT systems, rapidly address potential vulnerabilities, and stop adversaries before they impact HVAs,” Lyublanovits wrote. “And to ensure that we have top-notch expertise in cybersecurity, we’re always looking for more partners and more options to expand, enhance and integrate these services with the national security community.”

As an example, Lyublanovits cited the 132-45D Risk and Vulnerability Assessment SIN, “which was developed with the methodology [the Department of Homeland Security] uses to conduct assessments of agency HVAs. All vendors awarded this SIN have been screened through an oral technical evaluation process that follows the DHS methodology.”

Other HACS offer support for penetration testing and incident response, among others.

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